Thursday, December 18, 2008

(Re) Definition of Terms II

Here's the way the political spectrum should look:

<-Communist - Socialist - Moderate - Conservative - Libertarian->

<-Totalitarianism ---Security--- / ---Freedom---- Anarchy->

Under the Social Contract Theory (remember Hobbes and Locke from high school history? Not if you went to school lately), societies are a compromise between individual freedoms and collective security. The Left leans towards security, the Right leans towards freedoms. And yet Leftists call themselves "liberals." Why is that? Let's ask a god of the godless Left:

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Aha! Thanks mainstream media!

Note: I reversed the left/right spectrum from the previous posting, so that the Left is on the left and the Right is on the right. Also, liberals like to see it as a timeline, with conservatives dragging society backward and progressives leading the charge forward into the bright future of a brave new world. What a load of crap. Progressives will actually take us into the stagnation of socialism (didn't everyone just love living in the Soviet Union?), so they can have the backsliding end of the timeline for a change!


  1. Can I play devils advocate for a moment? I agree with you in general terms but I don't like the term 'godless left'. When I hear people use this term, they usually are at least tacitly equating conservatism with religion. Having religion does not make you conservative any more than being an atheist makes you liberal. I am not a religious person and I can't stand the American left. I despise everything they stand for.

    All I want from government is the bare basics of the constitution and for them to stay out of my life. I do not equate my love of freedom and capitalism with religion. When I hear someone use that term I immediately think that they are insinuating that all non-religious people with the political left. That may be an incorrect assumption but its how I read it.

  2. Whoa, that was supposed to read "When I hear someone use that term I immediately think that they are insinuating that all non-religious people agree with the political left."

    That is what happens when a 3 year old interrupts my thinking...

  3. Hey, you've got a point. But I'm not religious either. I was just being funny. Cheers!
