Barack Obama's Injustice Department dropped charges of voter intimidation against three New Black Panthers who harassed voters at a polling place in Philadelphia during the 2008 election.
Note the thug holding the night-stick.
If this isn't voter intimidation, then nothing is.
If this isn't racism, then nothing is (one of the men was quoted as saying "You're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker.")
If dropping obviously provable charges of voter intimidation isn't a violation by Attorney General Eric Holder of his sworn oath to enforce the law, then nothing is.
If Barack Obama's silence on the issue isn't a tacit endorsement of reverse racism, then nothing is.
Didn't Martin Luther King, Jr. once say something about judging people by the content of their character, and not by the color of their skin? If so, then Obama and Holder must be judged as hypocrites and moral cowards.
But, hey, you elected him..... enjoy, America!
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