Obama's "Green Jobs" Czar Van Jones resigned today, after even the Mainstream Media could no longer entirely ignore Jones' signature on a 9-11 Truther petition alongside such intellectual heavyweights as Jenine Garofalo and Cynthia McKinney.
When Van Jones (who was empowered to spend billions of your tax dollars with the stroke of his pen) explained that he often signs documents without reading them, well, shucks. You can see where there was some embarrassment for Barack Obama.
Now watch as The Dear Leader pretends that he didn't know Van Jones was a Communist, Revolutionary, Race-Baiter, Cop-Hater, and 9-11 Truther. For those of you keeping score, that leaves 31 more Communist/Revolutionary/Race-Baiting/Cop-Hating/9-11 Truther Czars to go!
It's true that sunlight is the best disinfectant. And disinfectants work.
Obama's house of cards is starting to fall. Enjoy, America...
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