AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: see Equal Opportunity.
DIVERSITY: including everyone except conservatives.
DIVISIVE: see Politically Incorrect.
DELIBERATING: playing 24 rounds of golf while U.S. soldiers are dying in Afghanistan.
EMPATHY: special treatment for liberal-favored classes; unfair treatment for all others.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: unequal opportunity; government-sanctioned racism against white people. Recall Orwell's Animal Farm: "Some animals are more equal than others."
FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: censorship of anyone who questions liberals, i.e. anyone not in the Main Stream Media.
HATE CRIME: thought crime committed against anyone except white straight conservatives (who may be targeted freely).
LIBERAL: socialist.
MAN-CAUSED DISASTER: terrorist attack.
NUANCED: (oxy)moronic.
OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATION: Global-War-On-Terror-Lite. Same great taste, half the casualties (for the enemy).
POLITICALLY INCORRECT: any thought not strictly adhering to liberal orthodoxy.
PROGRESSIVE: communist.
PUBLIC OPTION: government mandate.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: social injustice enacted by the government, especially the courts.
SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: self-congratulatory phrase for regurgitating liberal talking points to any non-liberal, even when liberals are in power.
TRAGEDY: any deliberate, harmful act where assigning blame to the guilty would violate liberal victimhood.
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